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More nourishing plant oils for your skin...

Nourishing Oils for your Skin: Part 2

In the previous blog we highlighted the four essential oils we use in our Nourishing Face Oil. We use these oils because of their strong skin healing properties, and also because we think they smell amazing together. Let’s now look at some other nourishing plant oils that can be wonderfully healing and nurturing for your skin. There are quite a few!


Beautiful bergamot has wound healing properties, is cooling, and is also good for superficial pain and itching. However, bergamot contains a component called bergapten which makes it phototoxic. This means that you’re more susceptible to sunburn. For this reason I don’t recommend using Bergamot in any skin care products that you plan to leave on. It would be nice in a face wash or body soap, something that you would be rinsing off. If you do use bergamot in something you’ll be leaving on, make sure to wear sunscreen!


Marvelous myrrh has regenerative and skin protecting qualities. It is also anti-inflammatory, and may help with things like Athlete’s Foot, eczema, wounds, fungus, and aging skin.

Essential Oils for Skin
Grab one of our Nourishing Skin Oils


This oil always smells like a beautiful spring day. A popular scent in skin care products, Neroli essential oil is skin healing in that it is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.


Besides being really fun to say, Opoponax is a skin healing oil made from resin. It also works well as an insect repellent. A word of caution, this oil can be desensitizing, so use sparingly. I recommend no more than 2 or 3 drops per ounce in a carrier oil or lotion.


This essential oil is especially good for dry skin. It may help with things like eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, skin infections and fungus. It can help balance sebum (your skin’s natural oils) and encourage cell regeneration. That all sounds amazing to me!


Good ole’ Patchouli. We knew we loved it for its calming effect on the mind, but did you know it’s good for your skin as well? Patchouli can help with a variety of skin issues such as dryness, inflammation, wounds, scars, sores, and eczema. It moisturizes and cools the skin. It’s been used in traditional Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Greek medicine to help with scars.

Rose Essential Oil for Skin
Rose is the Queen!

Rose and Rose Absolute:

100% rose oil is fantastic for your skin! If it wasn’t so expensive I’d rub pure rose essential oil all over myself every day. Rose is so skin healing it may improve the skin barrier function and help dry skin, skin texture, and regeneration. Plus it smells so beautiful.


Rosewood’s super power is that it’s antifungal, and can actually help protect

your skin from harsher oils, while enhancing their antifungal properties. (Hi Tea Tree.)


Gorgeous Sandalwood! Besides smelling so divine, Sandalwood has skin and wound healing properties and can help with acne, dermatitis, and eczema. It’s very moisturizing for the skin. It can also be used with other oils to enhance their antifungal properties, in much the same

way Rosewood can.

Secondary players in skin healing:

These oils may not be the heavy hitters when it comes to nourishing and healing, but they still have something to offer. Keep them in mind as great additions to your skin care and try them blended with some of the aforementioned oils.

Ylang ylang: moisturizing.

Vetiver: can be helpful with eczema.

Thyme ct. Linalool: helps with wound healing.

Spikenard: healing and anti-inflammatory.

Melissa: anti-inflammatory and may be helpful with herpes blisters. Can be irritating so dilute with a skin nourishing carrier oil and oils like Rosewood.

Sweet Marjoram: anti-inflammatory.

Fennel: can be helpful for anti-fungal needs.

Cypress: Use to prevent infection in wound healing

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